「二刀流 毎日歌手...時々社長」で話題沸騰中のSASAKI社長、企業の健康増進を願って、食べる「ぷるるん青汁」を新発売!
楽曲名「最後のフォーリン・ラブ」で日本クラウンから2018年10月3日に古希デビューしたSASAKI社長が経営するコンサルティング会社のGICグループが、令和元年5月1日に食べる青汁、商品名 食べる「ぷるるん青汁」を発売した。
新感覚!新体感!「食べる ぷるるん おいしい!」が地元北海道の札幌市内で大変な話題となり、2019年5月13日発売の月刊「財界さっぽろ2019年6月号」に取り上げられたので以下にご案内します。

The GIC group, which is managed by the president of SASAKI who made his debut at 70 years old at 70 years old with the song title "The Last Fallin Love," released green soup to eat on May 1st, and the brand name "Eat Pururun Aojiru".
Because it has become a stick-type jelly, it can be easily ingested and has already attracted attention.
Since it was taken up in the “Business World Sapporo 2019 issue” as a topic, I will guide you to the following.
Posted May 2019
特に、企業のリスク対策で手腕を発揮。経営上の課題解決はもちろんのこと、さまざまなリスクに対し提案をおこなっている。現在では、法人約3,000社、個人1万人のコンサルティングを手がけている。そんな同社が 『飲むから食べる新感覚』 をコンセプトに開発した「食べるぷるるん青汁」を令和の幕開けとなった5月1日に発売した。
なぜ経営コンサルティングを主事業にする同社が、青汁を開発したのか。開発の経緯を佐々木社長は「企業の発展には経営者はもちろん従業員の健康維持は欠かせません。そのため、『リスクマネジメント科』、『経営コスト削減科』に続く第三の部所として『健康マネジメント科」を15年ほど前に立ち上げました。その第1弾として開発したのが水に溶かして飲む青汁『スーパー元気 100』です。ありがたいことに13年前に発売し、1,000万パック以上の注文をいただきました。しかし、飲みづらいなどといった意見もあったため、さらに多くの方に飲んでいただけるようにと『食べるぷるるん青汁」を開発しました」と語る。
現在は注文した人全員に同商品の開発者でもある佐々木社長が歌手「SASAKI社長」として発売したメジャーデビューシングル「最後のフオーリン・ラブ」と、札幌出身で「デュエットの女王」と呼ばれる歌手 安倍里葎子の「恋人気分で」のCDをセットでプレゼント(初回のみ)している。
問い合わせは GICグループ(北海道札幌巾中央区宮の森3条11丁目 電話:011-643-1239 )まで。
The “GIC Group” continues to make major progress in management consulting, and supports companies in terms of health.
We released "Pururun Aojiru" to be eaten on May 1st.
Because it has become a stick-type jelly, it can be easily ingested and has already attracted attention.
“GIC Group” (Head office: Sapporo City, Hokkaido, President Kiyoshi Sasaki), celebrating its 45th anniversary. The business has been expanded to the main business of management consulting.
In particular, they demonstrate their skills in dealing with corporate risk As well as solving business problems, we make proposals for various risks. Currently, about 3,000 companies, 10,000 individuals are consulting. The company launched "Eat Pururun Aojiru," which was developed based on the concept of "a new sense of eating from drinking," on May 1 when the regal began.
Why did the company, whose main business is management consulting, developed green juice? Sasaki said, “The development of the company is essential to the development of the company and of course the maintenance of employees' health. Therefore, as the third department following“ Risk Management Department ”and“ Management Cost Reduction Department ” The department of health management was launched about 15 years ago. The first step was to develop a super juice "Super-Genki 100" that is dissolved in water and consumed. Thankfully, it was released 13 years ago and received orders over 10 million packs. However, as there were opinions that it was difficult to drink, he developed "Eat Pururun Aojiru" to allow more people to drink it.
The feature is that it can be easily consumed by making it a stick type jelly. The taste was clean with an apple taste. It is known that green juice is good for health, but it is bothersome to dissolve it in water. We eliminated negative factors such as "not delicious".
Of course, not only ease of eating but also ingredients that are kind to "beauty" and "health" are firmly blended.
Barley Wakana, which is the main raw material for green juice, adheres to soil making, and is a high quality Oyasu Wakaba from Shimane Prefecture, certified by Hokkaido and grown up without pesticides using only organic fertilizer in Hokkaido and Japan's few JAS Blend. As a result, it succeeded in blending well-balanced vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers equivalent to 350 grams of vegetable intake required per day.
In addition, in order to improve the deterioration of the intestinal environment that may cause rough skin and metabolic syndrome, it is formulated with "Pifidus bacteria BR-108" selected from many good bacteria. In addition, fat-soluble dietary fiber derived from the ingredient "Blue Agave", which is said to grow and activate good bacteria, and the next-generation honey "fermented honey" fermented using fruit-derived microorganisms are also positive.
This creates a synergetic effect of "Sinbiotex", which makes it possible to further improve the intestinal health.
Support for the maintenance of employee's health
In addition, President Sasaki also recommends a leader for companies aiming for "health management" promoted by the government from the viewpoint of management consulting.
Health management is a management method that aims to maintain and improve the health of employees and improve the productivity of the company by treating employee health promotion and health management as management issues, and putting those practices into practice.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has established a "Health Management Excellent Company Certification System" so that it can "visualize" excellent companies working on health regularity, and certifies companies that practice health management. If certified, employees, job seekers, related companies, financial institutions, etc. can receive a social evaluation as "a corporation that thinks of employee health management from a managerial perspective and is working on strategically" .
"The need for labor has been called out these days. Enhancement of welfare benefits is an urgent matter. This product is a stick type, so there is no need to dissolve it in water. Therefore, employees can be prepared by standing on desks and meeting rooms, etc. You can easily secure the necessary vegetable intake per day, and it is also a good tool for health management promoted by the country, and having health food in the company can be a new common sense of the company. President Sasaki says.
The vegetable shortage of modern people is serious, and about 30% of the people who ingest necessary vegetables firmly on the day according to the announcement of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. It is said that taking plenty of vegetables and fruits every day is effective for preventing cancer and heart disease, etc., it can be a first step towards health regularity.
The price is also reasonable. CD presents
As it is easy to continue, the price is set reasonable. It is 4,800 yen (tax-excluded) with 30 bottles, 9,600 yen (tax-excluded) with 60 bottles, and 14,400 yen (tax-excluded) with 90 bottles. It is possible to purchase with a maximum of 2 discounts if it is different depending on the number if it is advantageous "special monthly course".
A major debut single "Final Fallin Love" released by Sasaki, who is also the developer of the same product to all those who ordered it, as a singer "SASAKI President", and singer from Sapporo who is called "The Queen of Duet" Riko Abe "I'm in love" CD of the set is presented (only the first time).
I would like business owners to try one by one to maintain their health, not to mention their own health.
For inquiries, please contact the GIC group (Hokkaido Sapporo, Chuo-ku, Miyanomori 3 Article 11-choume Tel: 011-643-1239).
As mentioned above, it is excerpted from "the business world Sapporo 2019 issue"