松原敬生の千客万来 第100話 竹島宏さん

Hiroshi Takeshima who continued to attract fans with ballad numbers including mood songs. I challenged the song for the first time to dance with the previous work "Koimachi Counter", and opened a new front.
In fact, when I interviewed "Koimachi Counter", he showed me the Koimachi dance in front of me in the studio, but I have a memory that this Takeshima-kun was puzzled, but this is the second song of this dance song In the bullet "Future of two", it was a feeling attached to the Sukkari board.
By the way, "The Rumor's Futari" is an exciting work that makes you feel the Showa Kayo's Golden Age, and on the stage this time, it receives enthusiasm from fans for "Rumor's Dance".
Rather, new fans who have become fans since the previous work and fans who have been there for a long time are bringing in the "dance of rumors" by themselves.
Hiroshi Takeshima, who has made a great debut 17th anniversary. We just keep an eye on future activities.