
Today's singer kayo gymnastics also exercises a magic trick using balloons, changing the taste from normal. Students lined up in front of the stage with red, yellow, pink, light blue, white and orange balloons respectively. The magician hands out a memorandum made to Mr. Suzuki folded in two. Mr. Suzuki puts it in his pocket without looking at the memorandum. Other students watching, red, students with red balloons leave. Students withdrew one after another, yellow, orange, red, light blue, the last thing left is a student with a pink balloon. Mr. Suzuki took out the memorandum in his pocket and opened it and wrote it as "Pink color". Why did you win is a mystery. We enjoyed the magic tricks performed by the magician in such a way.
When magic tricks finished, Professor Suzuki carried out basic gymnastics as usual. There are gymnastics to open and close both hands, but today we repeat opening and closing quickly to stimulate the brain.
Mr. Suzuki taught me that he can become a healthy body naturally if he is doing a beautiful walk with conscious of his good attitude. I think it certainly exists.
Professor Asano said that he would express himself this kanji with one letter, the answers of "Wa", "Heart", "Shinobi", "Wheel" and "Sleep" came back. The student who answered "heart" taught us the reason, "It was a lot of fun to make everyone so good," he said. I felt happy when I realized that singer songsuit exercises were a fun place. By the way, Professor Asano said "play". People who are good at play can do the work. It taught me that having playful spirit is important.
Mr. Murakawa's gymnastics are fun every time, but gymnastics that repeatedly raises and lowers both hands today were hard. As the number of times increased, it got gradually tighter, so the student who was called to the year was impressed with not having settled on the way and having done it to the end.